Safety Commitment

Safety is of utmost importance in ALFalak’s mentality in implementing a project. This section describes Al Falak’s simple safety procedures when implementing a project.

ALFalak is committed to achieving the highest performance in occupational health and safety with the aim of creating and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment throughout its business.

Safety Policy

ALFalak Corporate Occupational Health & Safety Policy

  • Seek continuous improvement in our and safety performance taking into account evolving community expectations, management practices, scientific knowledge and technology
  • Comply with all applicable laws, regulations and standards and where adequate laws do not exist, adopt and apply standards that reflect the company’s commitment to health and safety
  • Involve employees and contractors in the improvement of occupational health and safety performance
  • Train and hold individual employees accountable for their area of responsibility
  • Manage risk by implementing management systems to identify, assess, monitor and control hazards and by reviewing performance
  • Communicate openly with employees, government and the community on occupational health and safety issues; and contribute to the development of relevant occupational health and safety policy, legislation and regulations and
  • Support relevant occupational health and safety research.

Safety Departments Organization Chart

General Safety Rules

Since AlFalak is totally committed to a policy of prevention, reduction and elimination of all undesired events that could or do result in loss and to protect the interests of the company, no employee shall be required to work in surroundings or under working conditions that are unsanitary and dangerous to his health and safety.

In fulfilling this commitment, all employees shall observe and strictly implement the below safety rules and regulations:

  • At a minimum, hard hat, safety glass and safety shoes shall be worn in client premises and project work sites. Additional PPE’s shall be provided such as hand protection (working gloves), hearing protection (ear muff), etc. which are applicable based on the hazards and tasks to be performed.
  • Follow the Permit to Work System (PTW) and Security Regulations; No work shall be started in any area or any part of the equipment without consent of person-in-charge.
  • All excavations more than 1.2 meters or deeper shall be properly shored or sloped.
  • Excavations shall be properly barricaded and secured.
  • Only Certified Heavy Equipment Operator shall operate heavy equipment.
  • Use only the proper/approved tools and equipment for the task.
  • Ensure that all electrical equipment is in good working condition, periodically checked and safe for use.
  • Good housekeeping shall be implemented and maintained at work area at all times.
  • Report all incidents immediately like injuries, fires, spills, and unsafe situation to ALFalak Safety Officer as well as to client representative.
  • Avoid unsafe activities; using cell phone, taking photographs and smoking at restricted areas are prohibited.
  • Observe the Traffic Rules and Regulations i.e. driver should not exceed the posted speed limit at all times and using mobile phones and non-wearing of seat belts while driving are not allowed and unacceptable.

Safety & Health Training

Safety Orientation

Workplace safety and health orientation begins on the first day of initial employment or job transfer. Each employee will be given a personal copy of the safety rules, policies, and procedures pertaining to his job. All employees will be instructed that compliance with the safety rules is required.

Safety Meetings

Safety meetings shall be held at the beginning of each job, and at least weekly thereafter. These meetings shall address current and specific work activities, and potential hazards. All meetings shall be recorded and documented including the agenda and attendance of the attendees.

Periodic Retraining Of Employees

All employees shall be retrained periodically on safety rules, policies and procedures, and when changes are made to the loss prevention program. Individual employees will be retrained after the employees displaying unsafe acts, practices, or behaviors.